Construction Of Tampa, Florida, Replica Birney Trolleys

From mid-1999 through the beginning of the year 2000, Gomaco Trolley Company had the opportunity to create a new classic-style trolley. HARTLine in Tampa, Florida, had requested eight replica Birney trolleys for their TECO Streetcar line. This photographic journal profiles the construction of the first replica Birney trolley, #428. Gomaco Trolley Company went on to construct replica Birney trolleys #429 through #435 for use on the new rail system.

Delivery on all eight trolleys was completed by 2002, which was followed by a grand opening weekend (October 19-20, 2002) that transported more than 20,000 trolley enthusiasts through the YBOR historic district and the Channel district in Tampa.



Late January 2000


Replica Birney Trolleys

Replica Birney Trolleys

Replica Birney Trolleys

Replica Birney Trolleys

Replica Birney Trolleys

Replica Birney Trolleys


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